Each week a quote is shared for your consideration. Some quotes might offer comfort, hope, a challenge, a chuckle, or inspiration. You may or may not agree with the quote, but it is offered simply to help you reflect and ponder.
There are no shortcuts in evolution.
- Louis D. Brandeis
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
MFP 2024 Intensive Training Institute 50th Anniversary celebration

Health and Wellness Articles
The Skin-Care Products to Use Whether You Have 5 Minutes or an Hour (opens new window)
Biden Administration Launches Initiative To Support Youth Mental Health (opens new window)
The Biden administration will launch a new initiative in the fall to address the alarming mental health crisis among youth in the U.S.The Youth Mental Health Corps, which is a first-of-its-kind initiative, will recruit and train young adults to support their peers navigate mental health issues. Young adults ages 18 to 24 will receive training and certification to help youth in schools, community based organizations and community health clinics, while also creating a pipeline for these volunteers to pursue a mental health career path. Read more (opens new window)
The inaugural American Men’s Health Nursing Alliance (AMHNA) marks a significant milestone in both the nursing profession and the domain of men’s health. Conceived by Dr. Julian L. Gallegos from Purdue University and co-founded with Dr. Curry J. Bordelon from the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), this alliance addresses the critical gaps in men’s health through dedicated nursing practice, research, and advocacy. Read more (opens new window)
Black Race Matters in the Latino Population (opens new window)
The Latino population living in the United States is categorized as an ethnic group, which can be of any race as defined by the US Census. Most Latinos living in the United States are of mixed heritage with Spanish, other europeans, Indigeous, and African being the most dominant. Read more (opens new window)

June 12 | 3-4:30pm ET

- Apply for a Merit Switzer Research Fellowship for Doctoral Dissertation Research (opens new window)
Proposals due Friday, June 28, 2024
Administration for Community Living's National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (opens new window) (NIDILRR) is announcing a new funding opportunity for the Switzer Research Fellowship Program (opens new window).
The purpose of the Switzer Research Fellowship Program is to build research capacity by providing support to highly qualified individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to conduct research on rehabilitation, independent living, and other experiences and outcomes of people with disabilities.
The purpose of the Merit Switzer Research Fellowships for Doctoral Dissertation Research (opens new window) is to support doctoral candidates as they conduct their dissertation research focused on a disability or rehabilitation topic that addresses outcomes among people with disabilities in one or more of NIDILRR’s outcome domains: community living and participation, employment, or health and function.
NIDILRR plans to make five fellowship awards under this opportunity. Applicants must demonstrate their formal academic status as doctoral candidates and have approval of dissertation proposal. Fellowship awards will have one 12-month project period.

Notice of Funding Opportunity
Application Due Date: Friday, July 12, 2024
The purpose of this program is to provide substance use prevention, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, HIV, and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services for racial and ethnic individuals vulnerable to a SUD and/or mental health condition, HIV, viral hepatitis, and other infectious disease (e.g., sexually transmitted infections). Recipients will be expected to take a syndemic approach to SUD, HIV, and viral hepatitis by providing SUD prevention and treatment to racial and ethnic individuals at risk for or living with HIV.
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $5,700,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: Up to 8
- State Opioid Response (SOR)/Tribal Opioid Response (TOR) Technical Assistance (opens new window)
Application Due Date: Monday, July 15, 2024
The purpose of this program is to advance the provision of trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and evidence-based substance use-related approaches and interventions across the country and across the lifespan to reduce the impacts of opioid and stimulant misuse and use disorders on individuals, families, and communities.
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $18,500,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: One (1)

This season, titled "50 Years - Reflect and Project," premieres Monday, June 11, 2024, and is dedicated to celebrating the 50th anniversary of the SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program at the American Nurses Association.
Join us as we pay homage to five decades of groundbreaking contributions by visionary psychiatric nurses. We’ll delve into their remarkable legacy, reflecting on the strides we've made in mental health and substance use disorder care, particularly within underserved communities across America.
This season promises a wealth of inspiring interviews, profound reflections, and forward-thinking projections from our esteemed alumni and current fellows. We’ll explore the enduring impact of the Minority Fellowship Program and discuss innovative approaches to tackling ongoing mental health challenges.
Each podcast offers FREE CNE credits from the ANA, an ANCC accredited provider of nursing continuing professional development.
Remember to subscribe at emfp.org (http://emfp.org/ (opens new window)) , the Minority Fellowship Program’s YouTube channel @mfpana, or on your preferred podcast app.
Mental Health Trailblazers: Psychiatric Nurses Speak Up – Celebrating 50 years, with so much more ahead.