Each week a quote is shared for your consideration. Some quotes might offer comfort, hope, a challenge, a chuckle, or inspiration. You may or may not agree with the quote, but it is offered simply to help you reflect and ponder.
Life isn’t perfect, any failures you have are actually learning moments. They teach us how to grow and evolve.
- Phillipa Soo
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
MFP 2024 Intensive Training Institute 50th Anniversary celebration

Health and Wellness Articles
Having Anger Issues? Try “Shredding” Your Feelings (opens new window)
The Importance of Developing and Maintaining Your Social Fitness (opens new window)
In recent history, the world has witnessed a trend towards liberalization of abortion laws driven by an increasing understanding of the negative personal and public health consequences of criminalizing abortion. By contrast, several countries have recently implemented restrictive reproductive laws, joining the 112 countries where access to abortion care is banned completely or with narrow exceptions. Read more (opens new window)
It’s break time during my weeklong psychodrama retreat, where 11 (mostly) strangers from all over the country are gathered in a mansion underneath the northern lights of Fairbanks, Alaska, reenacting and healing our complex traumas. Read more (opens new window)
Traumatic Stress and the Circle of Capacity (opens new window)
The experience of psychological trauma is generally connected to the presence of distress. But in working with trauma survivors for over three decades, it is also the absence of enlivenment, play, curiosity, laughter, and self-compassion. In other words, repair of trauma is not just about learning to cope with distress. It is also about expanding the capacity for positive and pleasurable experiences in mind and body. Read more (opens new window)

"Silence on the Streets" is a ground-breaking documentary that explores the journey of addiction through the perspective of inner-city residents throughout Connecticut. Award-winning playwright, Sharece Sellem-Hannah, skillfully intertwines personal narratives with expert insights from the fields of addiction, trauma, psychology, prevention, and harm reduction alongside individuals with firsthand experiences, uncovering the many factors that contribute to the distinct life experiences of Black, Latinx, and Native Americans, profoundly shaping their struggles with addiction throughout their lifetimes and their road to recovery. The intent of this work is to invite community members to have meaningful conversations and to serve as a catalyst for change in how we perceive and address addiction within marginalized communities.
Sharece Sellem-Hannah is a native of Hartford and New Haven, Connecticut. She is a graduate student at the University of Cincinnati pursuing a Masters in Community Health & Prevention Science. Her lived experience and field experience in the world of human services is the foundation for, and often, the inspiration behind her artistic pursuits. She is an award-winning playwright (2019, Dr. Floyd Gaffney National Playwriting Competition on the African American Experience Award) who utilizes theatre and film as educational tools for advocacy. A cautionary play she wrote and produced at Long Wharf Theatre in 2020, "Matthew Rising," places a spotlight on the struggles of a fictional family from inner-city New Haven, Connecticut, navigating the harsh realities of poverty and the opioid epidemic. This work inspired the documentary "Silence on the Streets," created and produced in collaboration with NE-HIDTA, which delves into the complexities of drug trafficking, social determinants of health, and recovery efforts. “Silence on the Streets,” premiered at Southern Connecticut State University on December 13, 2023 and had its Southern premier the Rx Summit in Atlanta, Georgia on April 2, 2024.
Learn more about Dr. Lakeetra Josey click here (opens new window)
Listen to Dr. Josey's Mental Health Trailblazers podcast episode here, and earn FREE CNE credits click here (opens new window)

June 12 | 3-4:30pm ET

- Apply for a Merit Switzer Research Fellowship for Doctoral Dissertation Research (opens new window)
Proposals due Friday, June 28, 2024
Administration for Community Living's National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research (opens new window) (NIDILRR) is announcing a new funding opportunity for the Switzer Research Fellowship Program (opens new window).
The purpose of the Switzer Research Fellowship Program is to build research capacity by providing support to highly qualified individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to conduct research on rehabilitation, independent living, and other experiences and outcomes of people with disabilities.
The purpose of the Merit Switzer Research Fellowships for Doctoral Dissertation Research (opens new window) is to support doctoral candidates as they conduct their dissertation research focused on a disability or rehabilitation topic that addresses outcomes among people with disabilities in one or more of NIDILRR’s outcome domains: community living and participation, employment, or health and function.
NIDILRR plans to make five fellowship awards under this opportunity. Applicants must demonstrate their formal academic status as doctoral candidates and have approval of dissertation proposal. Fellowship awards will have one 12-month project period.

Notice of Funding Opportunity
Application Due Date: Friday, July 12, 2024
The purpose of this program is to provide substance use prevention, substance use disorder (SUD) treatment, HIV, and viral hepatitis prevention and treatment services for racial and ethnic individuals vulnerable to a SUD and/or mental health condition, HIV, viral hepatitis, and other infectious disease (e.g., sexually transmitted infections). Recipients will be expected to take a syndemic approach to SUD, HIV, and viral hepatitis by providing SUD prevention and treatment to racial and ethnic individuals at risk for or living with HIV.
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $5,700,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: Up to 8
- State Opioid Response (SOR)/Tribal Opioid Response (TOR) Technical Assistance (opens new window)
Application Due Date: Monday, July 15, 2024
The purpose of this program is to advance the provision of trauma-informed, culturally relevant, and evidence-based substance use-related approaches and interventions across the country and across the lifespan to reduce the impacts of opioid and stimulant misuse and use disorders on individuals, families, and communities.
Anticipated Total Available Funding: $18,500,000
Anticipated Number of Awards: One (1)

As we close out Asian American, Native Hawaiian & Pacific Islander Heritage Month, our podcast throwback takes us to season one and the highly informative conversation with Dr. Jillian Inouye, one of the deans of the MFP/ANA, and a founding member of the Asian/Pacific Islander Nurses Association. Filled with historical insights on nursing, racial stereotyping and micro-aggressions, the importance of legislation for research, and tricks of the trade when it comes to securing research grants, make this a compelling episode from our premiere season.
Learn more about Dr. Inouye click here (opens new window)
And remember, FREE CNE credits are available for listening to Season 3 of Mental Health Trailblazers, Psychiatric Nurses Speak Up!
Find all Season 3 episodes click here (opens new window)

The SAMHSA-funded South Southwest Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC) First Episode Psychosis (FEP) Virtual Conference 2024 will bring together stakeholders with a commitment to improving and growing FEP services in the United States. The 2024 theme, Pausing with Purpose: Guiding FEP Care with Human Connection, focuses on the crucial role of human connection in effective FEP care. The theme underscores the importance of fostering genuine relationships among those involved in FEP care, including team members, young people in services, family and other supporters.
Who Should Attend: Those committed to transforming FEP care, including providers, researchers, and those with lived experience.