Each week a quote is shared for your consideration. Some quotes might offer comfort, hope, a challenge, a chuckle, or inspiration. You may or may not agree with the quote, but it is offered simply to help you reflect and ponder.
Preservation of one’s own culture does not require contempt or disrespect for other cultures.
— Antonio Tijerino
The MFP is an initiative staffed by ANA with funding from SAMHSA, making fellowships available to ethnic and racial psychiatric nursing students who are enrolled full time in an accredited master’s/doctoral nursing program.
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
CDC releases latest provisional estimates for suicide deaths in the United States (opens new window)
CDC is releasing the latest provisional estimates for suicide deaths in the United States in 2022. After declining in 2019 and 2020, suicide deaths increased approximately 5% in the United States in 2021. The provisional estimates released August 10, 2023 indicate that suicide deaths further increased in 2022, rising from 48,183 deaths in 2021 to an estimated 49,449 deaths in 2022, an increase of approximately 2.6%. However, Read more (opens new window)
The Need for Latino-Focused Parkinson’s Disease Research (opens new window)
one study found that Latino men older than 65 are at greatest risk of being diagnosed with Parkinson’s, due to increased life expectancy and exposure to pesticides, PCLA reports. The study also found Latinos and non-Latino Whites are twice as likely to develop Parkinson’s disease as Black or Asian Americans. Read more (opens new window)
CULTURE FORWARD: A Strengths and Culture Based Tool to Protect our Native Youth from Suicide (opens new window)
In partnership with Casey Family Programs, the Johns Hopkins Center for Indigenous Health spent two years listening to Native voices from across Indian Country and scanning Indigenous literature to gather tribally-driven, evidence- and practice-based solutions to prevent youth suicide. Read more (opens new window)
Culturally Specific Interventions Can Increase Tobacco Cessation Among Black/African American Quitline Enrollees (opens new window)
Tobacco quitlines offer evidence-based services that help individuals quit tobacco use. They are shown to be effective with great potential to serve populations experiencing health disparities, because they remove key access barriers. Read more (opens new window)
Congratulations to Dr. Kalisha Bonds Johnson on her recent podcast appearance to discuss the challenges for African American dementia caregivers and care partners, accessing needed services, the disparity in healthcare, and the important need for support. Listen to the full episode here (opens new window)
Calling all current alumnae MFP/ANA Fellows!

Our biographical update form will allow you to update your biographical portfolio by sharing your career and research updates. You'll also be able to sign up to be a mentor via the form. Stay tuned!
MFP Podcast: Mental Health Trailblazers – Psychiatric Nurses Speak Up! (opens new window)
Free CNE credits available! Our latest podcast episode, "Young Minds, Substance Use and Addiction," with MFP/ANA alumna Dr. LaKeetra Josey, who is on the frontlines of efforts to address the mental health impact of increasing substance use disorders among young people, joins host Indrias Kassaye for this exploration of emerging trends in drug use among young people. Listen here (opens new window).
The following may be of interest to you:
• NIH Health Disparities Interest Group Workshop: “Who We Are: The Multiple Dimensions of Race and Ethnicity.”
• Plant-Based Prevention of Disease Nutrition & Lifestyle Medicine Conferences
About MFP
Funding for the MFP e-Newsletter was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 1H79SM080386-05 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written training materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.