Each week a quote is shared for your consideration. Some quotes might offer comfort, hope, a challenge, a chuckle, or inspiration. You may or may not agree with the quote, but it is offered simply to help you reflect and ponder.
You are valuable just because you exist. Not because of what you do or what you have done, but simply because you are.
— Max Lucado
The MFP is an initiative staffed by ANA with funding from SAMHSA, making fellowships available to ethnic and racial psychiatric nursing students who are enrolled full time in an accredited master’s/doctoral nursing program.
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
Mental Illness and Substance Use in Young Adults (opens new window)
Entering adulthood can be an emotional time, but sometimes the ups and downs can mean something more. Millions of young adults are living with a mental or substance use disorder and many either do not realize they have one or are not paying attention to the signs and not seeking help. In fact, of the 8.9 million young adults who reported having a mental illness in 2018, more than 2 in 5 went untreated and of the 5.1 million with a substance use disorder, nearly 9 in 10 did not get treatment. Read more (opens new window)
Affordable housing, health clinic focused on American Indian, Alaskan Native community coming to Denver (opens new window)
A first of its kind affordable housing and health clinic focused on serving the American Indian and Alaskan Native community is coming to Denver’s La Alma-Lincoln Park neighborhood. It’s a safe space that will be focused on serving the American Indian and Alaskan Native community. A 187-unit affordable housing facility will be built in place of a warehouse on Navajo Street. Read more (opens new window)
‘Mini Nurse Academy’ debuts at Philly school to introduce Black and brown students to the field of nursing (opens new window)
The General George Meade School in Philadelphia adopted a national program that gives students a glimpse at a future career in nursing. Angel McCullough spends most of her time as director of nursing at Thomas Jefferson University Hospital. But on a recent Tuesday afternoon, she stood in front of a dozen elementary school children to teach a lesson on scientific modeling and medical research. Read more (opens new window)
Black Women Explain the Positive Difference Having Black Doctors Made in Their Pregnancies (opens new window)
The teen film Save The Last Dance was an instant hit when it was released in 2001. Now, more than 20 years later, people debate how cringey it is based on today’s standards. Still, for all of the back and forth, there is one scene that absolutely holds up, and it has a surprising connection to Black maternal health in America. Read more (opens new window)

Congratulations to Dr. Michelle DeCoux Hampton on recently presenting at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women. Dr. Hampton and two other nurses', Constance Williams and Tamara McKinnon, presentation addressed “The health of a nation’s people depends on the health of its nurses.”

Congratulations to current doctoral Fellow Marcus Henderson and alumna Dr. Cynthia Bienemy for being invited to serve as keynote speakers for the Louisiana State Nurses Association (LSNA) 2023 Membership Assembly. The theme for this year’s Assembly is "Pride in Our Profession."

Congratulations to current SAMHSA Minority Fellowship Program at ANA doctoral Fellow Nia Josiah on her publication titled, “Addressing systemic racism and intergenerational transmission of anxiety using Bowenian family therapy with African American populations: A Discursive paper,” co-authored by MFP alumnae Patty Wilson, Shaquita Starks, and others.
Missed an episode from
season 1 or 2? Click
here (opens new window) to get caught up!
Mental Health Trailblazers – Psychiatric Nurses Speak Up! is the MFP/ANA podcast featuring the groundbreaking journeys of BIPOC psychiatric mental health nurses, in their quest to meet the urgent and unmet needs of under-represented communities in America.
Applications for our 2023-2024 cohort are now open! If you have ever considered earning a master’s or doctoral degree in psychiatric mental health nursing and identify as a member of an ethnic minority in the U.S., learn more about the MFP/ANA and apply today at
apply.emfp.org (opens new window).
We also invite you to join one of our upcoming Office Hours where team members will be available to answer any questions you might have regarding the application. You can register for one or more of the dates that best fit your schedule here (opens new window):
The following may be of interest to you:
• SAMHSA Sponsored Webinar: "Engaging Youth in Safe Online Spaces to Address Mental Health Concerns." Learn about various online spaces where LGBTQ+ youth can find affirming care, support, and resources for the
About MFP
Funding for the MFP e-Newsletter was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 1H79SM080386-05 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written training materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.