Start each day with a positive thought and a grateful heart.
The MFP is an initiative staffed by ANA with funding from SAMHSA, making fellowships available to ethnic and racial psychiatric nursing students who are enrolled full time in an accredited master’s/doctoral nursing program.
This week’s recommended Health and Wellness Activity
Gay, bisexual men have lower suicide risk in more tolerant countries (opens new window)
WASHINGTON — Gay and bisexual men who move from a country with high stigma toward LGBTQ people to one more accepting of LGBTQ rights experience a significantly lower risk of suicide and depression, according to research published by the American Psychological Association. R (opens new window)ead more (opens new window)
Intersection of Minority Health, Health Disparities, and Social Determinants of Health With Psychopharmacology and Substance Use (opens new window)
Although the United States (U.S.) is an increasingly multicultural society (Vespa et al., 2018), the incorporation of psychopharmacology and basic behavioral addiction science into research on minority health and health disparities is underleveraged. Similarly, psychopharmacology and substance use research has often overlooked the societal context in which drugs are consumed. R (opens new window)ead more (opens new window)
These states have the best- and worst-performing health care systems for people of color, report finds (opens new window)
The pandemic revealed entrenched health disparities that existed long before COVID-19, and a new report shows no state is immune. Though some do better than others, the comprehensive report of 2019 and 2020 data by the Commonwealth Fund found health equity doesn’t exist anywhere in the USA. Read more (opens new window)
Latest Data on COVID-19 Vaccinations Race/Ethnicity (opens new window)
As of this week, federal data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) show that 68% of the total population in the United States have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Read more (opens new window)
Presentations Included:
1. “Fostering Nursing Leadership through Group Mentoring”, a poster presentation presented by MFP/ANA PhD Fellow Griselle Estrada, mentored by MFP/ANA alumna Dr. Rosa Gonzalez Guarda
2. “Stress and Sexual Behaviors in Latinx During the Pandemic, ” an oral presentation presented by MFP/ANA PhD Fellow Lisvel Matos and Dr. Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, her MFP/ANA mentor and alumna
3. Oral presentation, “Trauma, Depression and Alcohol Use Among Guatemalan Mayans,” presented by Dr. Eugenia Millender, MFP alumna, mentor and National Advisory Committee member
4. Oral presentation, “Stress, Resilience and Syndemics among Latinx Immigrants”, presented by MFP/ANA alumna and mentor Dr. Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, Dr. Brian McCabe and Dr. Gabriela Nagy.
Photo Highlights:
Left image: MFP PhD student Griselle Estrada (center) with her poster presentation surrounded by her MFP/ANA mentor, Dr. Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, an MFP/ANA alumna (L) and Dr. Eugenia Millender (R ), MFP National Advisory Committee member and alumna
Right image: MFP/ANA Fellows and Alumni Group Mentoring: L/R: MFP/ANA PhD student Lisvel Matos, MFP alumna and mentor Dr. Rosa Gonzalez-Guarda, MFP/ANA alumna, mentor, and National Advisory Committee member Dr. Eugenia Millender, MFP/ANA PhD student Griselle Estrada and DNP MFP/ANA alumna and mentor Dr. Daisy Lara.
Applications for the SAMHSA Minority fellowship program at ANA FY 2022-2023 are open! Eligible psychiatric nurses pursuing master's or doctoral degrees in mental health and substance use disorders to provide direct care, research, education, and health advocacy to minority and underserved populations across the life span are encouraged to apply.
Learn more (opens new window)
Applications are open for all American Psychological Association (APA) MFP fellowships, including the
Interdisciplinary Minority Fellowship Program (IMFP)
nursing discipline at ANA! The deadline to apply is January 15, 2022. Click
here (opens new window)to learn more and to apply.
About MFP
Funding for the MFP e-Newsletter was made possible (in part) by Grant Number 1H79SM080386-04 from SAMHSA. The views expressed in written training materials or publications and by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the department of Health and Human Services; nor does mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by the U.S. Government.